This page was created to support our transgender students, staff, faculty, and trainees as you navigate general campus facilities, resources, and systems here at UCSF. Topics on this page include:
- Administrative and Legal Protections
- Gender Neutral Restrooms
- Changing Legal Names on Identity Documents (for students)
- Changing Name on Emails and IDs (for students)
- Official Name Change on University Documents (for students)
- Changing Name on Emails and IDs (for staff, faculty, and trainees)
- UC Health Benefits
- Health Care Resources
- Community Resources
Administrative and Legal Protections
University of California Non-Discrimination Policy Regarding Academic and Staff Employment
Any UCSF Medical Center patient concerns can be directed to UCSF Medical Center Patient Relations
Gender Inclusive Restrooms
The LGBT Resource Center, along with the Office of Diversity and Outreach, is committed to identify gender inclusive restrooms for all, to ensure safety and comfort to our campus and medical center community. Below, you will find a list of restrooms that have been identified as "single stall", with signage that may or may not reflect gender inclusivity. This is still very much a work in progress. If you identify any single stall restrooms in your building that are not on this list, please email us at [email protected]. Also, if you find that your work site is not listed as having an accessible restroom, please contact us.
For a list of gender inclusive restrooms, please click here.
Changing Legal Name on Identity Documents outside of UCSF
For Legal Name on Identity Documents outside UCSF, see
Changing Name on Emails and ID Badges: (for students)
To make a preferred first name change to your UCSF email address or ID Badge, you do not need to have gone through the process of legally changed your name. If you need assistance at any time with this process, feel free to contact the LGBT Resource Center.
- Send an email through your UCSF email account with your My Access ID (Your SF number) to Office of the Registrar to request for your preferred first name to be changed in the Student Information System (SIS). You need to indicate if you want to have a new UCSF e-mail account with your new preferred first name as well.
- If you prefer, you can go to the Office of the Registrar (Millberry Union West, Room 200) They will check your UCSF ID card and ask for a written request from you to change your preferred first name in SIS.
- Office of the Registrar will notify your program or school before updating SIS with your new preferred first name and if you have requested for a new e-mail account.
- Office of the Registrar will request a new email account reflecting your new preferred first name. This takes 5-6 working days.
ID Badge:
- When the change to a preferred first name is made in the system, WeID receives it the next day. You can go to WeID to obtain a new ID card with your new preferred first name. Please review information about WeID at
- You will be charged a fee to be issued a new ID badge. Please refer to the WeID website for the most updated fees. As of October 2013, the fee to replace an ID is $22. If you prefer your school to pay for this fee, please coordinate this with your school prior.
- Your new ID will show your preferred name and last name on the top line, with your legal name in smaller print.
Official Name Change on University Records (for students)
To do an official name change to your academic record, you will need to have a Photo ID and documentation linking your old and new name. Please review steps for legal name change at
Changing Name and Emails and ID Badges (for UCSF staff, faculty, trainees)
You will need to notify your department's Human Resources representative who responsible for entering essential information, including credentials in the system. They will work with UC Police Department and WeID You need to indicate that you want to have a new UCSF e-mail account and badge with your preferred first name. If at any time you need assistance with this process, do not hesitate to reach out to us!
Medical Center IDs are administered through the Medical Center Security. They can be reached at (415) 885-7890
UC Health Benefits
For UCSF Students: Health Benefits, Transgender Benefits. Questions? Contact: Adele Anfinson or Charles McDonough at Student Health & Counseling
For UCSF Faculty and Staff UC Transgender Health Benefits for Faculty and Staff Fact Sheet. Questions? Contact UCSF Health Care Facilitator Sue Forstat.
Health Care Resources
Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (UCSF)
Women's Health Primary Care: (Madeline Deutsch, MD: Transgender Primary Care Specialist) (UCSF)
UCSF Child and Adolescent Gender Clinic (UCSF)
Tom Waddell Transgender Clinic (Department of Public Health)
Dimensions Clinic (for youth 12-25)
Alliance Health Project (UCSF) - Mental Health
Queer LifeSpace - Mental Health
Can't find what you are looking for? Need a specialist, a primary care provider, or mental health provider? Contact [email protected]